Two Bottles Gebrüder Mathis
We drink from the Gebrüder Mathis Winery a bottle of Chardonnay St. Morand and a bottle of Souris Grise from 2020.
We drink from the Gebrüder Mathis Winery a bottle of Chardonnay St. Morand and a bottle of Souris Grise from 2020.
We are drinking a Kalk und Löss Spätburgunder and an Isteiner Grauburgunder, both from 2019, from the Am Klotz winery.
We start a small Baden series with two bottles of chasselas from Haus Gupi: there is a bottle of La Bohème 2019 and a bottle of El Fayoum 2020.
We add another week of Baden on top and drink a Pinot Noir Walis from 2017 from the winery Forgeurac.
We drink from the winery Wasenhaus a bottle of Chardonnay Filzen from 2018.
We drink a bottle of Spätburgunder Alte Reben from 2017 from the Huber Winery in Malterdingen, Baden.
We stay in Baden for now and drink from the winery Dr. Heger a Chardonnay Gras Im Ofen 2019.
We drink a bottle of Chasselas 2020 and a bottle of Pinot Noir 2018 from the winery Greiner from Baden.