Kraemer - Silvaner Muschelkalk 2016

We drink a Silvaner from the Muschelkalk from Kraemer in Auernhofen harvested in 2016.
We drink a Silvaner from the Muschelkalk from Kraemer in Auernhofen harvested in 2016.
We drink three Silvaners from Iphofen in our glass: From the Hans Wirsching Winery an Iphöfer Kronsberg 2018, from the Johann Ruck Winery an Iphöfer Kalb 2017 and from the Weigand Winery a Der Echter Berg from 2017.
We drink two bottles of Riesling Kabinett dry from 2015 and 2016 from the Zang organic winery.
From Franken made by Winzerhof Stahl we drink the Riesling Best Of 2017 from the Edelstahl collection.
We drink a Silvaner from the Johann Ruck winery from Iphofen harvested in 2009, which was given a lot of time.
We are drinking a Portugieser Buntsandstein made by Benedikt Baltes from 2016.
We drink Sylvaner Steinterassen Muschelkalk from 2016 by Stefan Vetter. Natural wine from Franconia.
Piwi and delicious do not have to be a contradiction. We are having Bronner from 2014 from the organic winery Zang.