Dönnhoff - Felsenberg 2016

We drink from the winery Dönnhoff a Riesling Felsenberg Felsentürmchen from 2016.
We drink from the winery Dönnhoff a Riesling Felsenberg Felsentürmchen from 2016.
We drink from the Zimmerle winery in Württemberg a bottle of Viognier Berg 2017.
We drink two bottles of Landwein from Ina Wihler: a Muskateller and a La Brume, both 2020.
We drink from the Palatinate a Riesling Neustadt V from the Christmann winery harvested in 2018.
We drink a Trollinger Alte Reben 2019 and a Lemberger Steinwiege 2018 from the Schnaitmann winery.
We drink from the Eisele winery in Württemberg two wines out of the Edition line: A Trollinger and a Lemberger from 2019.
We drink a Natural Riesling from the Palatinate: a bottle of Kirchenpeace 2017 from Collective Z.
We drink two bottles of Gutedel from the Ziereisen winery in Baden: a Viviser from 2017 and a Steingrüble from 2016.