Two Bottles Mehling

We drink two slightly matured 2016 Rieslings Ungeheuer and Ölberg from the Mehling Winery.
We drink two slightly matured 2016 Rieslings Ungeheuer and Ölberg from the Mehling Winery.
We are drinking a Riesling Madcap Magnus 2018 from Staffelter Hof on the Mosel.
We drink brutally local from the winery Dolde a Silvaner Vulkan and a Weissburgunder Brauner Jura each from 2020.
We drink from the winery Konni & Evi a Weissburgunder from 2019.
We drink from the Moselle a 2016 Spätlese from the Graacher Domprobst made by the Willi Schaefer winery.
We drink a Klingenberg Alte Reben Spätburgunder Ortswein from 2016 by Benedikt Baltes.
We drink from Stephan Steinmetz from the Upper Moselle a Weissburgunder, an Unkultiviert from two PiWis, each 2019, and in addition the Crémant RosaRot.
We drink from the winery Battenfeld-Spanier a Weissburgunder Gutswein and a Silvaner Leopold Ortswein from 2018.