Three Bottles Lukas Krauß

We drink Lukas Krauß's Landschwein in white from 2021 and in red and pink from 2020.
We drink Lukas Krauß's Landschwein in white from 2021 and in red and pink from 2020.
We drink four times Württemberg in September and start with two wines from the winery Kistenmacher & Hengerer: A bottle of Lemberger IV 2017 and a bottle of Cabernet Franc Frederic 2015.
We drink two bottles of Lemberger grown in the Fellbacher Goldberg harvested in 2017 and 2018 from the Heid Winery.
We drink from the winery Karl Haidle with the Lemberger Berge and Gehrnhalde two wines from different plots of the site Stettener Mönchberg.
We drink a Trollinger Alte Reben 2019 and a Lemberger Steinwiege 2018 from the Schnaitmann winery.
We drink from the Eisele winery in Württemberg two wines out of the Edition line: A Trollinger and a Lemberger from 2019.
We drink a 2018 Lemberger from the winery roterfaden from Württemberg.
We drink a bottle of Lemberger Schnait Altenberg from 2017 from Weingut Knauß.