Willi Schaefer - Graacher Domprobst Spätlese -10- 2016

We drink from the Moselle a 2016 Spätlese from the Graacher Domprobst made by the Willi Schaefer winery.
We drink from the Moselle a 2016 Spätlese from the Graacher Domprobst made by the Willi Schaefer winery.
We drink from Stephan Steinmetz from the Upper Moselle a Weissburgunder, an Unkultiviert from two PiWis, each 2019, and in addition the Crémant RosaRot.
We drink two bottles of Kabinett from the Moselle: the Zeltinger Sonnenuhr from Markus Molitor and the Wehlener Sonnenuhr from 2016.
We are drinking a Riesling GG 2018 from Winninger Röttgen made by the Knebel winery.
This time we drink a Riesling Marienburg Falkenlay from 2016 by Clemens Busch.
We drink two Rieslings from the Moselle from the Weiser-Künstler winery: a Steffensberg and a Gaispfad, each from 2015
We drink the Rieslings Escheburg and Steffensberg made by the Immich-Batterieberg winery from Enkirch on the Moselle from the year 2017
We drink from the Moselle from the winery Fritz Haag the Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Grosses Gewächs harvested in 2016.