Forstmeister Geltz Zilliken - Rausch Kabinett 2017

This time in the glass is a Riesling Kabinett from the Saar. From the winery Forstmeister Geltz Zilliken the Rausch from 2017.
This time in the glass is a Riesling Kabinett from the Saar. From the winery Forstmeister Geltz Zilliken the Rausch from 2017.
We drink a Riesling from the Terrassenmosel from the Winninger Brückstück made by the Materne & Schmitt winery in 2016.
Curiosity won: We drink a bottle of Heymann-Löwenstein Uhlen R from 2016.
From the Saar we drink today a Riesling out of the Monopollage Hörecker produced by the von Hövel winery from 2015.
From the Ruwer we drink an off-dry Abtsberg Superior from the winery Maximim Grünhaus harvested in 2016.
From the Brauneberger Juffer we are drinking an off-dry Riesling from Fritz Haag harvested in the year 2016. This is basically the residual sweet GG.
Still in Moselmood we are drinking an Ürziger Würzgarten Kabinett from 2017 made by Dr. Loosen. Served aside a bowl of Umami.
Between Ürzig and Briedel, countless wines could be tasted and wineries visited for two days. A short travel log.