Heiligenblut - Heiliger Blutberg 2018

We drink from the winery Heiligenblut a bottle of Riesling Heiliger Blutberg from 2018.
We drink from the winery Heiligenblut a bottle of Riesling Heiliger Blutberg from 2018.
We drink two bottles of Sauvignon Blanc from Daniel Mattern. Once as Fumé 2018 and once as Bubbles flavored with hops.
We drink from the winery Battenfeld-Spanier a Weissburgunder Gutswein and a Silvaner Leopold Ortswein from 2018.
We drink the Chardonnay Null Ohm 2019 from Moritz Kissinger from Rheinhessen.
We drink from Weingut Bischel located in Appenheim the 2018 Großes Gewächs Hundertgulden.
We drink the 2016 GG Heerkretz from Weingut Wagner-Stempel from Siefersheim in Rheinhessen.
We are drinking two Rieslings from Weingut Knewitz located in Appenheim: The Hundertgulden and the Steinacker from 2015.
We are having, by the Wagner-Stempel Winery, a Riesling Pophyr from 2016. It is Ortswein from Rheinhessen.