Two Bottles Beurer

We are drinking a Trollinger and a Riesling Schilfsandstein from Weingut Beurer in the Remstal, both from the 2022 vintage.
We are drinking a Trollinger and a Riesling Schilfsandstein from Weingut Beurer in the Remstal, both from the 2022 vintage.
We drink three bottles of Natural from Württemberg from the winery kleines gut for Easter: a Vin de Soif 2022, a bottle of Blanc 2021 and a bottle of Rouge 2021.
We drink a Trollinger Pur 2018 and a Cabernet Franc 2019 from Harald Wetzel from Stuttgart.
This week we drink a bottle of T(rollinger) Non Traditionel and Scheurebe as Landwein The Shy Doc and in an off-dry version from the winery G.A. Heinrich.
We drink a Trollinger Alte Reben 2019 and a Lemberger Steinwiege 2018 from the Schnaitmann winery.
We drink from the Eisele winery in Württemberg two wines out of the Edition line: A Trollinger and a Lemberger from 2019.
We drink from the Aldinger Winery the Trollinger Sine from 2018 and from the Hirth Winery the Quod Erat Demonstrandum from 2014.